Thursday, April 19, 2012

How To Meal Plan.....

I've wanted to do this post for a while, just have never sat down to actually "write it".....but with some new blogging adventures on the horizon, and more people interested in this topic, now is the time!
So.....why meal plan? How do you start to meal plan????
Here are some short tips on how to start meal planning and make it effective :

1. Make Time To Plan Your Meals
In our society, time equates to money.......and there is no better way to spend your time (and save you money) then to set aside some time every week to plan meals. The "I don't have time, I am so busy" excuse does not fit here - we are ALL busy, we all wish we had more hours in the day - but if you can sit down and watch a t.v program or surf the net, you have time to meal plan - no excuses ; )
If you don't "make" time to menu plan, you won't have time for it - it's as simple as that.
When you first start to meal plan, it will take you a bit longer, but the more you do it, the less time you need to spend at it. Take an hour a week - preferably before you go grocery shopping (I choose to do my meal planning on Sunday or Monday morning) and look through recipes (tried and true as well as new ones) and decide what should be on your menu for the coming week.

2. Look At Your Flyers
If one of you goals is to save money through meal planning, then this step is essential! See what is on sale for the coming week, what specials are on, and try to meal plan around those sales. Flyers usually post their best deals on the front and back of their flyer - honest - that is the truth ; ).
Plan around what is on sale, and, if your budget allows, stock up on sale items - this goes more so for meat/fish as that can be the most expensive part of your grocery bill.
Also - plan around what is already in your pantry and freezer - huge money saver!

3. Get Meal Suggestions From The Family
Let's face it, planning meals week in and week out can be daunting.....the "what should we eat this week" can be exhausting to say the least. Heck, even I throw my arms up in the air many times with this question. Something that has worked well for me, is asking my husband and kids, what do you think we should eat this week? While Munchie's suggestion is always "Homemade Mac and Cheese mom", the Great One, offers up ideas that I hadn't thought of - it helps then you involve the whole family ; )

4. Before Going Shopping, Check your Pantry (A.K.A. the seven eleven!)
My girlfriend has nic-named her pantry the "seven-eleven" - it is always stocked and always open ; ). I am guilty of not doing this often enough, I "think" I have something and don't buy it, or I actually did have it , and then I either have to go back to the grocery store or have more items than I need on hand.....check that pantry before making a grocery list!!!!

5. Use a Top 25 Meals List
Sit down with your family and come up with 25 meals that all of you enjoy - this becomes your go-to list. I use my list more than I can tell you - if you look at our meal plans over the last year you can probably pick some of them out - in the summer, "Asian chops" and "taco salad" are huge on my list. Other items that are from my list: Slow Cooker Chops, Corn Chowder, Tater Tot Casserole, Chili and buns, Sweet and Sour Meatballs (You NEED to try this recipe!!!)............I might post my list soon....could be a good idea and a good tool!

6. Have A "Clean Out The Fridge Night" and a "Soup Night"
Essential to saving money is using up your leftovers. We do this most weeks in what we call the "leftover buffet" - I pull out the weeks leftovers and add a salad or a veggie and that is dinner. It saves me time and $$$$. I also try to incorporate a soup night during the winter (switched up with a salad night in the summer/breakfast for dinner) - this not only saves money, it is also good for you. If you ask my family what they want for dinner - odds are they will tell you "homemade soup and buns" - hamburger soup, taco soup, green pea soup, corn chowder, broccoli cheddar soup, meatless minestrone - the list goes on and on.....they love them all!!! (Plus....they're all homemade!)

7. Save Your Menus
After putting in so much work for your meal them! No sense in reinventing the wheel - re-use some of those meal plans in the coming months, or simply use them for inspiration or meal ideas ; )

8. Do Batch Cooking
I sound like a broken record when I get going on this one at some of our classes.......when you are making soup or chili, double up the recipe and freeze it for a later date. Casseroles, lasagna, spaghetti sauce, meatballs (reg and sweet and sour) - double, double, double!!!! It is the same amount of work, so why not get two meals for your time???? This one is a no-brainer ; )

9. Plan For Snacks and Breakfasts
Make muffins, homemade waffles, cookies- whatever items your family eats on a regular basis and freeze them! You have no idea how handy it is to have muffins/cookies to grab when you are on the go with the kids - homemade is always better than store-bought!!!! I also have started making my own granola - yummmmm!!!

10. Do It!!!
All of the information in the world won't help you if you do not put it to go do it - meal plan the next week - trust me, once you do this a few times you will wonder why on earth you didn't start sooner!!!!!!

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