Wednesday, February 29, 2012

March Meal Plan

Here we are, my first blog post for my new blog - I'm a wee bit excited!
I love Fernando's Adventures, but I need to have a blog that is dedicated to strictly meal planning and freezer meals.
And so - to start off this new blog, I am sharing with you my March meal plan as well as my March Freezer meal list  (most of it anyway ; )  )
Enjoy, and I hope this site helps some of you to organize your meal plans and batch cooking : )

March Meal Plan
Date            Meal
4th             Lawn Mower Taco Meal  (in freezer)
5th             Cream Of Potato Soup and homemade buns
6th             Salsa Chicken (freezer meal) with rice and salad
7th             Chili on a bun with veggies  
8th             Clean out the fridge night
9th             TexMex Fusilli (new recipe!)
11th             BBQ, baked taters and grilled veggies!!!!
12th           Honey Terriyaki Chicken  with basmatti rice and either green beans or carrots
13th           Tacos with veggie platter
16th           Turkey Ranch burgers with oven fries and salad
17th           Pizza Night!
18th           Jaime Olivers Roasted Chicken with all the fixings
19th           Sweet and Sour Meatballs with rice and veggies
21st           Pasta with Meat Sauce and Caesar salad
23rd           BBQ Steaks, baked taters and salad
24th           Clean Out the Fridge night!
25th           BBQ ribs/pork chops and potato salad
26th           Chicken Stuffing Casserole (in freezer) with rice and veggies
27th           Veggie Soup with buns
28th           Tater Topped Casserole (need to make 2 and freeze one!)
30th           Grilled Chicken, Spicy Noodle salad and veggies
31st           BBQ Burgers (possible teriyaki!), veggies platter and sweet potato fries

I have some dates that have no meals yet......I am leaving a few nights open for events, as well as some freezer meals I need to make and then slot in.
Stay tuned for a list of my freezer meals for this month!

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